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Second Place


Ruby Chen, Linda Qin, Bo Wang


American Medical Advancement Program (AMAP)


"Where to Meet the Needs? International medical school students are eager to take a look at U.S . clinical system and take a short term clinical training in the United States before choosing to apply for their residency. However, this needs is hard to met by themselves. •non-standardized market • Intransparent market information • No trusted platforms • processing time too long • no supporting services after arriving U.S. ​ We can Meet the Needs! • American Medical Advancement Program( doing business as AMAP) is a healthcare and bioscience consulting firm headquartered in Great Washington Metropolitan area, United States. • AMAP fully integrates personnel resources in healthcare industry, Creating intelligent searching platforms for medical school students around the world. • Students can directly search for doctors and hospitals that are authorized in the United States and match suitable clinical internship opportunities. Doctors can also administer their accounts, review students’ applications place the best training time slots. ​ Customized Search Specialized Consultation Comprehensive Evaluation Transparent Process Security Payment"

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